25 October 2010

This is the day, the Lord hath made

This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Today has been such a good day for me. Lately, I've been feeling kind of down and homesick. I realized that I needed to get out of that rut and get over it. I woke up somewhat early today (well earlier then I usually do). I cleaned the house pretty darn good. I did a few loads of laundry to finish up what I didn't get done last night. And then made my way to the gym. I had an especially good workout today. I did the elliptical for an hour and did 6 miles and burned roughly 700 calories! YEAH! Not to mention I ran a few of those miles in 8.5 minutes.. which is fantastic for me! I'm usually about 9.75 - 10 minutes. So that was awesome. I love going to the gym at Torii Station, not only because it's hardly busy, but because it's right on the beach. I'm so lucky that I get to see the beautiful sight of the ocean every day! I went down to the beach after my workout just to get some sun and take a walk. I just wanted to clear my head of a few things. But the water was glistening so much that I just had to get a few photos! I figured I would share some with y'all!

My favorite place on island

Nothing but blue skies & blue waters

JC <3's MC :)

love love love these gorgeous flowers

I realized that I need to be more grateful and thankful for what I have in my life. I've just been so stuck on being homesick and kind of moody, that I am forgetting how lucky I am. I have an amazing husband who I love dearly, great family, and fantastic friends. And I get to live in this beautiful oasis for the next 2.5 years. I guess the next time I start feeling down, I just need to remember how truly lucky I am to have all those great things in my life! Hope everyone has a blessed day!


  1. Love this Jenny:) What an awesome spirit you are showing! LOVE YOU!

  2. Aww thanks KC LEE!! It's been really tough the last couple of weeks here, I dont know why. Just really wishing I was with family and friends in the states. But I'm trying to get over that and realize that not everyone gets a chance to be where I am. So I have to be positive about it, or the next couple years are going to be LONG! haha LOVE YOU!!

  3. That is very true...would make for a long couple of yrs! I will pray the Lord continue to give you peace on where you are at in your life right now!! God Bless you Jen! Love you!
