23 February 2011

14 Weeks

Welp, I'm 14 weeks 3 days today! I thought I would take a belly pic because I feel like it's starting to grow tremendously and I want to see progress from week to week! I have been feeling pretty good lately. I still wake up with nausea almost every morning, but the medicine helps and it's usually gone for a few hours out of the day. I'm starting to get my appetite back and food has never tasted better! haha. I crave a ton of spicy and saucy foods, like tacos and BBQ. I'm in my 2nd trimester now, I only have 25 weeks or 180 days left until my due date! It sounds like a long time, but these first 14 weeks have gone by really fast to me! I'm hoping we can find out the sex soon, so we can start decorating the nursery and buying baby stuff for the appropriate gender!

My mommy sent me a few boxes that I got in the mail today! One had maternity clothes in it and the other had baby stuff! This is the first baby stuff I have got, since we haven't bought any, and it was pretty surreal to open the box and see all this stuff! I don't think it's completely hit me that in just a few short months, we will have a little one of our own to fill these outfits! Since we don't know the gender, they are for either a boy or girl, but they are so flippin cute and I love them! And my mommy! 

06 February 2011

Catching Up

Well, a lot has happened within the last time I blogged. I have still been so sick from the pregnancy that I had to be admitted to the hospital yet again, and again. The second time I was in there I only stayed two days for my dehydration and fluids. My third visit consisted of 5 nights, which I just got released today Oki time. I would have left a few days sooner, however I kept throwing up.. which is not good in their eyes. My doctor tried a new medicine and we'll see how that works. I am now almost 12 weeks. I had my first doctors appt. with my OB and it couldn't of went any better. I had my first "official" ultrasound and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! It was probably one of the most amazing moments. And the baby was wiggling around and moving its arms and legs. It was neat to see. My child is going to be active, I can already tell! I'm still battling my nausea, but I'm almost out of my first trimester! One more week, and it will officially be the second! I'm desperately hoping that my hormones start to go back to normal and I can go back to my normal life. 

I will hopefully get back into the swing of things and catch up with all of the stuff I have neglected for the past month and a half. Hubby is out of country and I CANNOT wait until he comes home! I have a week left! Sorry to my friends from home, if it seems like I have not been reachable lately. It's been crazy! But I love you all :)

The last 6 weeks have been so bitter sweet. My little pumpkin grew and seems to be working properly, but I suffered along the way. I can't complain that much since it will definitely be worth it in the end. I guess that is all part of being a mother :)