29 September 2010

One Year Down, Forever to Go

A year ago Sunday, September 26th 2009, I married my love and best friend. It's hard to believe that it's already been a year since we tied the knot! I think the past year went by so fast due to moving and starting a new life in Okinawa. I think as a couple, we have gone through more trying times then most newlyweds do. I'm thankful that we have come this far, and I'm excited to strengthen our relationship even further as the years go by.

This past weekend, we celebrated our anniversary. It was nice just being together, without a care in the world! Friday we walked along the beach and watched the sunset on Torii Beach. It's probably one of my most favorite places on this island. There is hardly anyone there ever!

It was so nice just to be with each other. I know I keep saying that, but I can't explain it any other way. His job keeps him busy probably 6 days a week, some days I don't even see him but in the morning. For us to be able to just spend alone time with each other without an agenda was just so refreshing. I think I fell in love with him all over again this weekend. It really made me realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing man in my life!

Saturday, we relaxed at home most of the day. We went to eat dinner at Yoshi Hachi. It's an amazing sushi restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is actually pretty famous. On the walls at the restaurant, there are pictures of him and famous people, Tiger Woods for example. He's really big into golf I think! After dinner we went shopping down in American Village. It was a fun, relaxing day. On Sunday, we decided to go to Kokusai Street. It's one of the main tourist attractions in Okinawa. It's basically a street with tons of shops and restaurants on it. It has an underground market area too. The streets are crowded with tons of Japanese people, with a few Americans. 

They had Eisa dancers there too. It was pretty cool to watch. I'm not sure what their purpose is, but they put on shows where they drum and dance. They almost remind me of dancing ninjas (hahha)!

After Kokusai street, we decided to go eat dinner at a place called Seaside Ristorante. It's an Italian restaurant owned by the military, on Kadena Marina. We got there right about sunset, so of course we chose to sit outside. We saw one of the most beautiful sunsets we've seen on this island. It was so romantic, sitting there with our cocktails, watching the sunset, with an amazing view of the water.

 It's times like those that make me realize how lucky we are to actually experience this. Not many people can say that they have been to Japan, let alone live on Okinawa. Sunsets like this are normal year round. I just feel truly blessed. Not only am I blessed to be graced with Gods beauty all the time, but I found the person that makes me complete. He is my absolute everything, and I thank God every day that He brought us together! One year down, forever to go!

21 September 2010

Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn!

I can't believe tomorrow is the first day of Autumn! It doesn't feel like fall whatsoever here, but it is a tropical island. This time of year is my absolute favorite. I just love the changing leaves on the trees, the crisp cool air, and the festivities that go along with the season of fall. It's football season, and Halloween is just around the corner! Of course, watching football is a little different over here. We usually can't catch our teams playing live. Or if they do, it's at the wee hours of the morning and we are sound asleep! But we are keeping up with our Buckeyes and our Brownies! 

The weather is still ridiculously hot here. The current temperature right now is 90 degrees. It's almost 4 pm. That's insane! It won't start feeling like fall here until about December. And then it's only in the 60's. Which still isn't fall to me, but as long as I can wear a hoodie I am okay with it! 

This time of year has me a little homesick, especially since my parents house is in the woods and we are surrounded by leaves, but I'll be okay. I have my OSU flag in my yard and my "Welcome Friends" fall sign hanging on my front door. Even though it's still 90 degress in Okinawa, it's officially fall in the Campbell household! 

20 September 2010

The Silent Ranks

Lately, I have been thinking about how my life has changed from five years ago. I was only nineteen, in college, having the time of my life. I didn't have a care in the world, except whether I would make it to class on time and what the weekend would hold. And then the unexpected happened. I was introduced to a man, who I now call my husband. In six days, we will be married for one year! 

It's truly amazing to think about the path I've taken to get me where I am today. Not only did I marry the love of my life, but I married into the military as well. Not everyone understands what it's like being a part of the 'silent ranks', but it's unlike anything I have ever experienced. Nine months ago, we found out we would be moving across the world to a little island on military orders. I still remember telling our family and friends we would be leaving for a bit. And it's not "goodbye", but rather "We'll see ya soon". I miss my friends and family more then words can express, but I know they will always be waiting for me wherever this "road called life" aka the military takes us. 

One of my favorite poems:

The Silent Ranks

I wear no uniforms, no blues or army greens,
But I am in the military in the ranks rarely seen.
I have no rank upon my shoulders, salutes I do not give.
But the military world is a place I live.
I'm not in the chain of command, orders I do not get.
But my husband is the one who does, this I cannot forget
I'm not the one who fires the weapon, who puts my life on the line.
But my job is just a tough, I'm the one that's left behind.
My husband is a patriot, a brave and prideful man.
And the call to serve his country, not all can understand.
Behind the lines I see the things needed, to keep this country free.
My husband makes this sacrifice, but so do our kids and me.
I love the man I married, soldiering is his life.
But I stand among the silent ranks,
Known as the Military Wife.

16 September 2010

Hawaii Bound

the resort we are staying in is in the bottom right corner
we are right on the beach!

ahh, look at the water! i'm looking forward to sandy beaches

this will be paradise!

I first off just want to say, I have the BEST husband in the entire world! Some may argue, but I truly believe I have found one of a kind! In 1o days, it will be our one year anniversary! I can't believe we have only been married for a year. We have technically been together for four. Well, we have been talking about what we want to do for our anniversary. We originally were just going to rent a cabin on island somewhere at one of the bases. Just a little weekend getaway. Well, naturally, they are all full until like the middle of October. So that plan was out. When hubby got home from work yesterday, he informed me that he and a co-worker had schemed up all day what do to for our anniversary since there really wasn't much to do on the island that we haven't already done. So, he has decided to take me to HAWAII

We are not going until Decemeber, so he can put in leave and we can save up some extra cash. It is a few months after our anniversary, but hey, it's HAWAII! We are staying at the Hale Koa in Honolulu on Waikiki Beach! The Hale Koa is a military resort so it's cheaper and only open for military members and their families. The first photo above is the resort and the beach! I am so excited! It's a little less than 3 months away, so I will be hitting the gym extra hard! I've already lost 26 lbs, so I'm shooting for 30 more lbs! I have to be swimsuit ready!! It's definitely good motivation! I'm just looking forward to a romantic, relaxing getaway with the love of my life! I'd say I'm a pretty lucky girl!

09 September 2010

Never Alone

Lately I've been missing home. Missing my family and of course my friends! I talk to my family often, but I feel like my friends and I have kind of grown apart. And I know that it's no ones fault. We're all on different paths in our lives, but somehow we still manage to stay best friends. I wish these three years would go a little bit faster. I guess we're down to 2.5 years now. Woo! I feel like I'm missing so much at home. Friends are graduating college, getting married, and having babies! I've missed a best friends graduation and a best friends wedding, and will probably miss the birth of her second child. We are hoping to come home in February for about a month. It's going to be challenging getting to see everyone we want to during those times! I guess it's two weeks in Farmersville and two weeks in Rittman. 

Driving in the car on my way to the gym today, I had a mixed cd in that I made a few months ago. One of the songs that came on was "Never Alone" - Lady A ft. Jim Brickman. It became "our song". And by "our", I mean my best friends and I's song. It describes perfectly how each of us feel. I think it symbolizes our friendship to the T. "May your tears come from laughing, you find friends worth having. With every year passing, they mean more than gold". I know in my heart, that no matter where life takes each and every one of us, we will always be best friends. They mean the world to me and I can truly say I don't know who I would be without them.  

Never Alone - Lady Antebellum feat. Jim Brickman

May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
May you always have plenty
Your glass never empty
Know in your belly
You're never alone

May your tears come from laughing
You find friends worth having
With every year passing
They mean more than gold
May you win but stay humble
Smile more than grumble
And know when you stumble
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

Well, I have to be honest
As much as I want it
I'm not gonna promise the cold winds won't blow
So when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone

May the angels protect you
Trouble neglect you
And heaven accept you when it's time to go home
And when hard times have found you
And your fear surround you
Wrap my love around you
You're never alone

Never alone
Never alone
I'll be in every beat of your heart
When you face the unknown
Wherever you fly
This isn't goodbye
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone
My love will follow you stay with you
Baby you're never alone