27 October 2010

Just an update

It's been a few days since I have last wrote on here, so I figured it was time! We have a typhoon heading our way, so I'm not sure what the next few days will be like. We could very well be without power for a few days, but I'm hoping that isn't the case. I guess we'll see.

I have been working on something new, however. Lately, I've been inspired when there is a camera in my hands. I'm not sure if it's a calling, or just a phase, but I'm becoming obsessed with photography and taking photos. I'm not very good at it, nor do I know what I am doing. But I hope to get a new SLR camera soon, so maybe by then I will know a thing or two. I figured people were getting tired of me posting photos on Facebook, so I decided to start a website. I had one when we first got here, but I didn't keep up with it, so I just started a new one. It's not completed by any means, but I am totally up for suggestions on how to improve it (Steph, that's your cue!). You guys will have to let me know what you think! :)


  1. Okay Jenny .. I don't know much about photography either, but your pictures are GORGEOUS! and that is an understatement! Thanks for sharring!

  2. Thank you Casey! It is just so hard not to take photos over here!! I'm surrounded by God's beautiful work and I just want to share it!! Hopefully someday I will actually figure out what I'm doing hahah. How are you!? Hope all is well! Miss ya!

  3. Doing good! Just moved into our new house in the country :) well enjoy his beauty! Miss u too!

  4. Yes, I agree. They are amazing! Obviously the subject is gorgeous but you have such an eye for a beautiful photo! You really are talented Jenny! You need to pursue this!! And I will start working on something to beautify it! lol Love yoU! :)
