29 October 2010

Peace Out Chaba!

Well, yesterday was spent indoors due to Typhoon Chaba! We had been hunkering down for the last day and a half in anticipation of the storm. We woke up to loud, strong winds and side ways rain (You know a Typhoon is coming when the rain goes sideways). By the time Chaba made its way towards the Ryukyu Islands, it was a Category 4 Super Typhoon. This means the winds were between 131-155 mph! We, thank goodness, only felt the outer bands of with wind gusts no more then about 80 mph! Below is a satellite image of Chaba! We are that little tiny island the arrow is pointing to!

We didn't have any damage to our house, because these houses are made of pretty strong concrete and storm windows. We did have some debris in our back yard, however. With the winds so high, palm branches from palm trees and limbs from other trees were whipping around outside. I wanted to get a few photos so everyone could get an idea of what we went through, but the photos don't do the wind or storm justice!

Notice the debris. That was flying around.

More debris. Our yard started to flood, but thankfully it didnt flood more than this.

Weathering the storm.. haha

Today, after the gym, I headed down to the beach, like I always do. The waves were still gigantic (for Oki) so of course, I had to get some photos. There was also a lot more shells on the beach due to the waves pushing them in! Click here to check them outWe are really thankful that there was no real damage. I don't think there was much damage done of base whatsoever! Thank you Lord! All I have to say now is, Peace Out Chaba! Thanks for being gentle on us! 

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