11 November 2010

Happy Veterans Day

My hubby & I after his deployment in '08!

It's November 11, meaning it's Veterans Day! Veterans Day never really meant anything to me. I knew that it was a holiday honoring our brave soldiers, but it never had any significance to me, until I met my husband. I was not really patriotic at any point in my life before I met him. We started dating, and I got to know more about the military and the duties that come with signing on that dotted line. Since then, I have had the utmost respect for ANY service member, regardless of sex or branch. 

I know a lot of people out there don't agree with the war or what we are fighting for, and there isn't anything anyone can do to change that. You just have to put those people on the back burner and realize that not everyone is going to agree. However, to those people who don't stand behind our troops, I say feel free to stand IN FRONT of them. 

I am so proud of my brave Airman! This coming year will he his 10th year of being in the United States Air Force. And he plans on staying in for life, so 10 more years it is! A lot of wives wouldn't understand. They would probably try to convince their husbands to not reenlist so they can start a family, or be around more often. And yes, that thought has crossed my mind a time or two. But I am behind my Airman 100% with what he wants to do. I will always be by his side, no matter what. That is the true definition of a military spouse, and I am proud to say that I am one. And I am even more proud to call my husband my hero! Thank you baby for all that you do for your country and family! I love you! 

Happy Veterans Day to all of the men & women who have served, are currently serving, or will in the future! Your service means everything to this country! 

Land of the Free, Because of the Brave!

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