02 December 2010

Home Sweet Home!

Well, I want to start off by saying how jealous I am that it is snowing in Ohio! I love this time of year, and the first snow fall is always the most magical, even if it's only a dusting. It's the 2nd of December here, so in my mind, it should be freezing outside and I should be putting on my boots and coat before I go outside. Not today! It is currently 79 degrees outside at 2:30 pm. But it's very humid and feels about 10 degrees hotter than that. I am over this heat. Why can't it just be winter here? I know it's a subtropical island, but c'mon! 

Yesterday, I was going back through my old posts on here reading things from when we first got to the island. I had a comment on one post that I hadn't read, and that person wanted to see pictures of our house! I know I posted pictures on facebook of our house when we first got the keys, but there wasn't furniture or decor up. So I figured since it's Christmas time and I have my decorations out (those that I brought with me), I might as well post some pictures! So here ya go!

This is the outside of the house. We only have the bottom floor. Pay no attention to my neighbors who have not mowed their grass in weeks. (They mow the front yard, we mow the back.)

This is as soon as you walk in the front door. Front door is to the right & laundry room is that door you see by the sofa table. Not sure why my mirror has tons of stripes in it. 

My sofa table! I love all my snowmen decorations! :)

The hallway. Door on the right is the bathroom. Door straight ahead is my messssy spare bedroom. Door on the left is our bedroom.

Living room. Hallway is to the right. 

Living room area. The big metal door is our door to the backyard. 

More of the living room.. down the hallway into the entrance way. My walls look so bare!

More of the living room area. The door to the left is our kitchen.

Looking into our kitchen from the living room. The baby gate is for the dogs, I promise I don't have a secret child I haven't told y'all about haha. 

My kitchen! It's definitely smaller then my last kitchen, but it works! 

More Christmas Decor! My poor little tree. We aren't putting a big one up this year, I'm afraid my dog will eat every ornament we own! 

So there is it! My humble abode! It is not the biggest, or nicest place we have ever lived in, but a home is a home. As long as I'm with my hubby & doggies, I don't care where I live! 


  1. Your home looks just the way it should. Home-y. I love, love, love the snowmen decor. As far as Christmas-themed things go... I just love snowmen! Too cute. :)

  2. I agree, it looks very homey! And so much like your first house on base!! Love you so much and so happy you blog so I can keep up with your life!!!! MISS YOU BFFFFFF!
