11 January 2011

8 Weeks

Well, I am officially 8 weeks prego. And the past couple of weeks have been very rough. I was still feeling horrible last week so Friday I went back to the ER. They found out I was extremely dehydrated again and admitted me into the hospital. So I was there for 4 days. I got out last night, and I can honestly say I feel so much better than I did. I am just hoping that it keeps up. My arms are so sore from all the IVs and pokes for blood draws. Yesterday, my potassium levels were pretty low, so they had to pump that through my IV. Talk about pain! It hurt so bad, because potassium chloride burns like crazy. My doc told me I could go home if my levels were higher, so they had to draw blood again. Unfortunately, my veins are so done. They ended up poking me 9 times between both hands.. they were so swollen and now they hurt like crazy. I am however, feeling tons better, so I can't complain. 


  1. Oh goodness. Sooooo glad to hear you're feeling better. How is the little baby in there?

  2. Thanks Kayla! The baby is doing fine.. we have our first appt. on the 26th to hear the heartbeat :)

  3. I'm so sorry you've been so sick! :( Hope things are going better now and so glad the little bean is doing OK! I love and miss you guys so much and can't wait to hear about the 26th!! :)
